Find the Healthiest You
If you fall and break a bone, you know that you need to see a surgeon. When you know something isn't right with your emotional or psychiatric state, a psychiatrist can help bring you back to a balanced and healthy place. Some of the reasons our patients come to us include:
A life change such as death or divorce
Unexpected mood swings
Feelings of isolation or loneliness
Harmful thoughts or feelings
Substance abuse
Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
Feeling out of control
You simply need someone to talk to
Discover Your Personalized Treatment Plan
Medication Management: Cassidy Psychiatry implements cutting edge treatment modalities and also utilizes the very best of what is tried and true. We have extensive knowledge of the full range of medication options to treat you safely and effectively.
Psychotherapy: Cassidy Psychiatry is unique because our medical providers can also conduct psychotherapy as an integrated part of your overall treatment plan.
Genetic Testing: Cassidy Psychiatry can provide genetic testing to assist in your psychiatric treatment plan.
Injectable Medication: Many psychiatric conditions are treatable with injectable medications that are administered in our private and discrete office. Injectable medications cut out the hassle of taking a medication daily, improve compliance with care, and lead to better outcomes.
Direct Access: At Cassidy Psychiatry, our patients have direct access to their provider’s cell phone number. While we are not available on an emergency basis, we strive to return all patient calls within 24 hours.
Ketamine: Cassidy Psychiatry developed a unique approach to administer Ketamine in our caring environment. Ketamine is a medication that is revolutionizing Psychiatry by providing relief to many different treatment resistant psychiatric conditions.
Medically Supervised Weight Loss: Cassidy Psychiatry understands the mind/body connection and that weight gain can be caused by psychotropic medications and/or a critical part of mental wellness. After being asked by many patients, we added medically supervised weight loss to help our patients in their overall health journey.